What Is Science Olympiad?
Science Olympiad is an school-run organization dedicated to the expansion of STEM literacy across the country, state, and in local communities through competitions which test the olympian's abilities, strengths, and knowledge in science. Mattawan has a rich history of successful Science Olympiad teams that have charged into the State Tournament after having fought their way into the top four teams in our Region. Science Olympiad is composed of 23 events to teach students more about scientific subjects in categories such as Life Science, Earth/Space Science, Physical Science, Engineering/ Computer Science, and the Scientific Process.
About Our Team
Mattawan Science Olympiad has a Middle School Team -the B Team- and a High School Team -the C Team-, which are both generally successful at Regionals and go to the State Competition in most years.
There are three classes of competitions:
- Invitationals
- There are dozens of Invitational competitions in the State of Michigan alone. Mostly, we go to invitationals from around our area, such as the Portage Northern Invite, but have traveled to the Allendale Invite in the past and plan to go to the Haslett Invite in the future.
- Regional Competition
- In Michigan, there are 14 regions. Our region, Region 13, now has the priviledge to send 5 C teams to the State Competition from Van Buren, Cass, and Saint Joseph Counties and 6 B Teams, as well. Our Regional Competition usually occurs on the first Monday in March, which gives students a nice three day "weekend" to test their preparation. The competition is always held at KVCC.
Click on the Region Map below to see the places that our teams hope to travel this year around the state:

- State Competition
- Then, if our team is successful enough to rank with Paw Paw, Edwardsburg, and other good teams in our region, we'll travel to East Lansing, to Michigan State University, for a showdown that usually puts us in the middle of the pack. In the end, we'll do better than last year, which is always the goal.